Got your attention? Nice.
We’re Responster, and we’re pretty sure that we’re not completely sure what we’re doing here. That is to say, we’re unsure of where this journey will take us, but we do have some goals for this blog and those who deem it valuable enough to read on a regular basis.
As a startup whose product and USP is completely based around facilitating realtime learning and decision making, we find it fitting that this blog is likely to evolve over time as we navigate our own triumphs and failures as a small company and scramble to put those experiences into words for those interested in learning from them.
Indeed, one purpose of writing here regularly will be to keep readers up to date with the goings on of a fast-paced Stockholm tech startup, but we’re not so arrogant as to think that’s enough to keep you coming back every week, let alone every day. Our more ‘sticky’ and interesting goals with this space are to:
- Explore the emerging concept of Feedback Marketing and look at how businesses of all sizes can better perform with customers and even their own employees by learning to extract and respond to actionable insights from them.
- Illustrate and educate creative uses for feedback tools in the workplace through lessons, case studies, videos, and just about anything else that makes sense.
- Create a community that can actively engage with the topics our product makes us (or will make us become) knowledgeable on.
In short, we’ve got an angle, but we totally accept the fact that this will be as much of an educational experience for us as it is for you.
Does that sound alright? That was rhetorical because we can’t hear you right now, but you are always welcome to comment, email, or tweet at us if your curiosity ever gets the better of you.
Oh! Almost forgot: If you want to know a bit more about where we came from and what we do, you can always check out this sweet About Us page that fills you in on, well, where we came from and what we do.
Stay classy, and we’ll see you again real soon.
The Responster Team
[email protected]