Too often these days, I spot “X Tips For Dominating [Insert Social Media Platform Here] and that’s all well and good, but what you shouldn’t do on social media is actually more important and more universally applicable than what you should do.
Today’s two minute marketing will help you keep out of the danger zone on Pinterest. Let’s get to it.
#1) Follow Boards, Not People
While there are cases in which you might want to follow every single piece of content from a user, Pinterest users tend to be diverse in their interests and the same person pinning interesting startup advice might also be pinning pictures of quilted horse blankets. You might not want to follow streams full of quilted horse blankets.
If you only follow boards that are genuinely relevant to the kinds of content your business account is going to be producing and discussing, you’ll find it easier to pick out posts from your feed to re-pin and comment on.
#2) Leave Your Inconsistency At The Door
It’s actually fairly easy to get followers on Pinterest, but you can’t just dump 40 pictures on a board and ignore it for two weeks. The key is consistency. Add a few pins per day and don’t forget to make the descriptions relevant. If you’re marketing to small businesses, make sure the phrase ‘small businesses’ or something similar is included in your description (Here’s a great guide on using social media as a small business!” etc.).
#3) Don’t Let Your Pictures Go Bad
You wouldn’t leave milk in the refrigerator for a year after it had gone bad just because the container was still half full, would you? Of course not, so don’t leave pictures on your boards that aren’t getting any engagement!
Boards and pins look important to Pinterest (and therefore get served up to more users) if they’re interacted with. So keep your images that are getting likes, pins, and comments, and dump the others for something better.
Aaaaaand there you have it. The last 2 Minute Marketing post on social media for startups is coming at you tomorrow – be there or be a parallelogram.